Absolutely loved the biomimicry podcast and in keeping with her exhortation to look to nature’s successes I’d highly recommend Zoe Schlanger’s new book The Light Eaters…how the unseen world of plant intelligence offers a new understanding of life on earth. A discussion with her would be a great follow up podcast to today’s excellent podcast. BTW she’s already been on several podcasts recently if you want to check her out.

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Wonderful work and bravo for this truly inspiring and educational episode. I would like to share an idea which concerns both « Goldilocks technology » and also circular local networks relative to waste. Do you know about Humusation ? Rather than cremation or embalming and burial in cemeteries, one’s corpse is composted and thanks to the work of accelerating bacteria becomes useful humus which can be used as fertilizer. I understand that this is legal now in numerous states in the US. I live in France where the practice has not yet been legalized. I case anyone is interested, I’m including a link to a French nonprofit working on making this practice a reality here in France. It’s slowly gaining some momentum. http://humusationfrance.org/

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Thank you for this inspiring conversation with Janine Benyus. I think we can make better designs bij mimicking nature and we should. But there is something troubling me. Nature itself does not design. Nature does not plan. Nature does not set goals. Nature does not make decisions. Instead nature evolves. The patterns that emerge fit the circumstances otherwise they would not emerge. Patterns that are viable will appear repeatedly. Patterns that are not viable will stop appearing. Maybe you can call reappearing patterns natural designs. However, for me designing has the connotation of planning, controlling, implementing and changing what is already there. Human designs that get implemented change circumstances, not because we think the implemented designs fit the circumstances better, but because we think what is emerging in the circumstances is not good enough. Because we are changing circumstances, once viable emerging patterns are not viable anymore. Also new and undesigned patterns or side effects will emerge.

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