Thank you! One of the best sense-making, integrated, well-researched discussions ever. This episode should be recommended along with Nate’s Towards a Systems Approach a (More) Sustainable Future to everyone. We need more Lukes and Nates. I hope you two collaborate more, or at least continue to keep each other informed about research and networking developments. I really appreciate Luke’s unique answers for actions individuals can take, as well as for the end questions. I’m going to find and read everything he has worked on, and eagerly await his book. (Cross-posting).

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thanks Rein. These conversations are the best - for me - I just show up and ask whatever Im curious about - and the guest delivers!

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Informative learning so much from the people you highlight. I am free subscriber, is there a fee to support this podcast.

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Thank you, I feel it is important to have this information available to everyone w access to internet for free - worldwide without any 'and pay here for the advanced info'. But we do need resources to support the work (and growing team) -you can donate (tax deductible in USA) in the links the description or show notes - pasted here: https://www.energyandourfuture.org/support/ thank you, Nate

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Thank you 🙏 will donate i…. Wondering how to get involved with the work you are doing.

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Barbara: I recently made a donation on the great simplification website. There’s a button to click on and it was easy. Good luck!

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I agree with the other comments that this conversation is one of the best ever on this podcast, and there have been a lot of really excellent ones. I’m also looking forward to buying Luke Kemp’s book next June, and was pleased to hear Nate say he would have him back when the book is published, etc. For me, the great simplification is like taking a graduation course at a major university taught/led by Nate Hagens.

I never miss an episode, or a frankly, and sometimes watch them twice. I majored in history and anthropology so I have to listen to the scientific ‘stuff’ more than once sometimes!

I recently made a small donation on the great simplification website. It was quick and easy and it seemed more ‘direct’ than going through Substack.

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Loved this conversation. Very enlightening, if sometimes grimly so. Encouraged by his analysis of the need for a more deliberative democracy, being the most generative form of decision making. That feels like something we can do something about by supporting moves toward creating a new power base alongside the old, based on assemblies of ordinary people informed by experts.

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Utterly fascinating !

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