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The ring of power is the ring of the left hemisphere (see Iain McGilchrist). It needs to be counter balanced by the right hemisphere. The left hemisphere thinks it is the master (hubris), while it only should be the emissary. The economy of production and consumption is not the economy that is in power. The power is in the extractive economy of financial assets that extracts wealth from the real economy. Majorie Kelly explains this brilliantly in her new book “Wealth Supremacy. How the Extractive Economy and the Biased Rules of Capitalism Drive Today’s Crises” (see: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/736352/wealth-supremacy-by-marjorie-kelly/). This book has been praised by Kate Raworth. Majorie Kelly gives a systemic view that can complement and improve the Great Simplification. I recommend reading her book.

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