Interesting how you're changing focus to creative actions, it would hav e been more interesting to interview the Hutterite farmer. I recently read "This Perennial Land: third crops, blue earth and the road to a restorative agriculture." by Lansing Shepard and Paula Westmoreland and wanted to suggest that you talk with those folks. They have done a remarkable accomplishment with an entire watershed. Please check it out a quick read and, they're just southwest of your Minneapolis home.

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Ken - not fully switching - but gradually. There are still MANY who are planning for futures that are unlikely -but increasingly more episodes will be on responses.

I would love to interview an Amish farmer but kind of by definition they don't use Riverside or Zoom ;-)

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I get that.my main interest was r\calling your attention to the Blue Earth watershed story, It's a significant turn around for the region through the persistent work of many dedicated people,

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Yep Nate, this was awesome.

I’d never heard of Daniel before and I’d hoped for a while you’d interview a regen ag farmer but this conversation went way beyond any of my hopes, life begets life, our aversion to death, Ishmael, … so many good topics covered. Thanks Nate!

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As a long time listener, this episode is one of my favourites. We’re now living a similar lifestyle, in part due to your work Nate. 🙏🏻

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