I had not seen this Frankly until this morning (it's the morning after election night). Coincidentally, I woke up thinking that a presidential election these days is really nothing more than a skirmish in the war we are fighting. Whether your candidate won or lost, the basic situation doesn't change. Most high-ranking officials, regardless of party affiliation, are puppets that dance to the tune of a criminal cabal of billionaire oligarchs. Every four years we get to choose the figurehead puppet.

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Thanks Nate. I got so much out of this Frankly, as I do with most of your podcasts.

Australian here- have been watching the US election unfold with trepidation. I feel for you all - it seems like you’re all in a high state of panic and division. I have to remind myself that it’s probably not everyone, feeling this way.

In our small town we are building communities or maintaining them by preparing for bushfires. Summer is coming. As you say it doesn’t matter how people vote in an emergency. We’ve had town scenarios where we’ve practiced emergency response. It was unsettling, but I learnt so much about how I’m likely to respond and that of my fellow residents. It makes you feel kindly towards them and forgiving of their stuff-ups.

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Thanks Nate. A very validating share.

These would be presidents aren’t articulating the real primary concerns here on earth, which include the disenfranchisement of bunches of people, animals & natural systems in the interest of a giant strange ego game that is detached from human suffering and our natural states of being.

The world is suffering because we are asked to live in a system or culture that alienates us and uses us up.

I was wondering if you have a bibliography of the guests you have had on your show and the resources online that correspond with your insights, vision & faith. Even a bibliography of recommended reading.

I feel so overwhelmed by all the hype and extraction voices clammering on the internet and upon my inbox.

The you bring here confirm that bend not break options are still out there, and people with heart, intelligence, expertise and agency are still in the mix.

Thank you so much.

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thanks. I hear you.

A bibliography? We have a list of all the guests - and each episode has a long list of references and resources - as far as my own personal list of books and papers - that would take some doing - and many of them are 10-30 years old.

Take a look at the main site on any episode that interests you and there should be plenty of references/footnotes:


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In January 2017, several hackathons endeavored to preserve data that was freely available on USG websites such as NOAA before the first Trump administration could remove its availability. The hackathons also worked to preserve provenance.

Do you know of any such effort now?

If not might ISEOF, alone or in collaboration with some aligned organization(s), start one?

Administration #47 might disregard the law and destroy the data.

Or it might just make it available only by FOIA request, which could make it hard to determine exactly what to ask for.

Or it might privatize the data. Then the data will only be available to those who (a) can pay and (b) satisfy the requirements of whatever organization gets the data booty.

It would be a terrible shame if, say, all the data on NOAA were to vanish from the internet.

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Excellent Frankly. I’m glad I didn’t see it until after the election. Some of my friends and family members are freaking out but I’m more aligned with your perspective that both parties share the same goals where the future of earth and all of its inhabitants and nature are concerned.

I changed my voters registration to no party preference, which is an option in California, where we live. In my multigenerational and large household we all voted against candidates who pledged to continue the genocide in Gaza (which was both major parties.)

Thx for committing to continuing your podcasts in the future. They are a lifeline, along with postcarbon and resilience for me and many of my friends and zoom buddies.

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