Brilliant. Confirmation you aren't just "preaching to the choir". Your podcast is making a profound impact. The ripple effect is reaching worldwide. Always looking forward to your upcoming shows and incredible guests. Thank you Nate!
I started listening to TGS around a year ago. I quickly began listening to one episode a day, eventually getting through the, all in a few months.
During my journey, I became collapse aware. I still study all the aspects of it fulltime. Your work is far from my only source, but it’s been a fundemental part.
Please know that your bat signal does get seen by people; probably often without you ever knowing. Peace.
Hi My Friend! I love this story about the person having a "Damascus" moment after digging into your info. You are a bright light and do great work. Much love! Keep on keepin' on!
contemplating your recent piece, Nat. And believe your hat is knitted not crocheted! Blessings, Feeling touched and how in such very very different 'contexts' such sister-brotherhood wiht ye.
One thing. Somewhere along the linear path of your spoken wordlings, you set a list of possible 'domains' as if they are somehow .. it seems to me.. on a similar 'level'. What i did not hear you speak to is the crucible, the Field in which all these domains arise. I believe you named such a field almost in passing.
But i feel drawn to say that essense of life herself lies deep to all the domains of 'doing' you mention, and without bringing her spirit to the piece, we fall into the 'land of the Human Endeavour' as HumanoCentric no matter how worthy, the theme of your post (and i feel it is indeed most worthy and vital).
Might you consider the Unseen, the Spirit of 'life' (as i may use placeholder terms for) who is often so quiet but from whom all of us whether four legged or winged or the tall Green people or Cloud of Earth herself...all of us arise? If we fail to honour this first and foremost and invoke her when we share about human Doings (and surely the Doing is an aspect of The Problem...what prevents us Stopping and refraining from Human Doings long enough to find humility and listening to the help and voice of Earth herself and her other People?
They are so often calling to us and willing to help, guide and teach us what 'home' means but we are so busy in the Current 'Structures' of so called Modernity and Colonialistic structurings, that we imagine that more or different Doing is what's called for. That's the dream of the Colonial (trauma-based) Structure... "tell me what to DO and we might Do it!"
Cessation, deep listening, and invoking our buried indivisibility .. acknowledging first that we are fixated on more Doing.. that may perhaps be a liminal space in which Life may by grace, visit and we may, by grace, hear her again......
What amazes me is that people don't just grow up putting this stuff together. But then, i grew up in nature, with, of course, "progress" forever intruding, watching that process in real-time, over and over and over. I'd done the math by age ten. It's not complicated. I'm long past warring with it. It's all so spectacularly disastrous (for us, for this civilization,) that i'm actually beginning to take a grim humor from it.
As per the comment on being alone in that room, by yourself. I get it. You're not just alone in a room by yourself, you're alone in a room wearing an awful hat.
You are a hero of our time….. your hats are fine. The circles of humanity awakening are in progress. We are all part of the cosmic story❤️🙏❤️ I too have recently discovered your podcast. Like to see your work in our educational system. Thinking 🤔 on that as an educator.
Something useful your friend could do is write a coherent, rational, narrative account of his mental, emotional, and spiritual struggles; an account that might be titled Confessions of a Venture Capitalist in a Finite World; an account that could generate much discussion and thought in a peer review of findings.
Nate, you're not trying to create a personality cult, but they're started by true-believers who switch from one paradigm to another. Often, such people become child-like requiring someone to help them make sense of how this new, extraordinarily unknown, dangerous world works. They want confidence in what is in store for them.
A difference between being a source of cultish influence and good information is a cult keeps members continually off-balance by introducing novel thoughts about the unknown. A source of good information tells a new member everything they need to know the first day. The U.S. Marines indoctrinates and influences recruits, but it's (generally) not a cult because it informs recruits on day one what they're in for and has transparent rules for accountability. The Catholic Church indoctrinates and influences converts, but is not a cult because (generally) it informs converts on day one what they're in for and has transparent rules of accountability. Injustice arises when our institutions fail these requirements. No one wants our scientific, academic or spiritual institutions to be the home of cults, but they all too often become cults as people at the top of the hierarchy promote such ideas as techno-optimism or a Triumph of Will without adequate analysis or transparency of thought.
Here's a thought experiment. Imagine everyone you met for the next year told you a story similar to your friend's. You'd probably start to feel both inflated and concerned about their welfare. Your work has helped send them into existential crisis. Some will respond creatively in beautiful ways, but others will spiral into depression and wait with baited breath for everything you have to say because they are desperate for direction. How do we keep balance in these waters?
To traverse a world where paradigms have turned upside down requires someone to investigate the core of faith itself, no matter whether our faith is in our personal rationality, mathematics, or the divine. We survive existence with the support of an often unarticulated faith. For example, Carl Sagan professed his unscientific faith that the Cosmos was all that is, all that has been, and all that will ever be. When Sagan made this statement, he didn't know if it was true; he believed it was true and that belief (for good or ill) constituted his faith, but it's clear to many he didn't know what he didn't know.
Your friend had his faith in techno-optimism turned upside down, which is massively destabilizing. What enables your friend to keep balance, sanity, and probity? He now needs another, perhaps deeper faith in how existence works. No matter how sure he is of his new, hard-fought thoughts today, creative maturity requires a rational assessment of our entire being, indeed existence itself.
A powerful faith that confuses global society today is the faith that what's good for Ego is good for everyone. This is a faith that believes satisfying Ego satisfies all. This is the faith fueling the superorganism.
Until we have a transparent, rational psychology, philosophy, and theology capable of dealing with identifying, sidelining, seeing-through, taming, and participating in the annihilation of the human Ego, we will not learn that we are more than Ego or Self, fulfilling the gift of life and this world.
Brilliant. Confirmation you aren't just "preaching to the choir". Your podcast is making a profound impact. The ripple effect is reaching worldwide. Always looking forward to your upcoming shows and incredible guests. Thank you Nate!
I started listening to TGS around a year ago. I quickly began listening to one episode a day, eventually getting through the, all in a few months.
During my journey, I became collapse aware. I still study all the aspects of it fulltime. Your work is far from my only source, but it’s been a fundemental part.
Please know that your bat signal does get seen by people; probably often without you ever knowing. Peace.
How awesome to receive such validation! You’ll never know the extent to which your work is mobilizing others. Just keep doing it!
Hi My Friend! I love this story about the person having a "Damascus" moment after digging into your info. You are a bright light and do great work. Much love! Keep on keepin' on!
contemplating your recent piece, Nat. And believe your hat is knitted not crocheted! Blessings, Feeling touched and how in such very very different 'contexts' such sister-brotherhood wiht ye.
One thing. Somewhere along the linear path of your spoken wordlings, you set a list of possible 'domains' as if they are somehow .. it seems to me.. on a similar 'level'. What i did not hear you speak to is the crucible, the Field in which all these domains arise. I believe you named such a field almost in passing.
But i feel drawn to say that essense of life herself lies deep to all the domains of 'doing' you mention, and without bringing her spirit to the piece, we fall into the 'land of the Human Endeavour' as HumanoCentric no matter how worthy, the theme of your post (and i feel it is indeed most worthy and vital).
Might you consider the Unseen, the Spirit of 'life' (as i may use placeholder terms for) who is often so quiet but from whom all of us whether four legged or winged or the tall Green people or Cloud of Earth herself...all of us arise? If we fail to honour this first and foremost and invoke her when we share about human Doings (and surely the Doing is an aspect of The Problem...what prevents us Stopping and refraining from Human Doings long enough to find humility and listening to the help and voice of Earth herself and her other People?
They are so often calling to us and willing to help, guide and teach us what 'home' means but we are so busy in the Current 'Structures' of so called Modernity and Colonialistic structurings, that we imagine that more or different Doing is what's called for. That's the dream of the Colonial (trauma-based) Structure... "tell me what to DO and we might Do it!"
Cessation, deep listening, and invoking our buried indivisibility .. acknowledging first that we are fixated on more Doing.. that may perhaps be a liminal space in which Life may by grace, visit and we may, by grace, hear her again......
What amazes me is that people don't just grow up putting this stuff together. But then, i grew up in nature, with, of course, "progress" forever intruding, watching that process in real-time, over and over and over. I'd done the math by age ten. It's not complicated. I'm long past warring with it. It's all so spectacularly disastrous (for us, for this civilization,) that i'm actually beginning to take a grim humor from it.
As per the comment on being alone in that room, by yourself. I get it. You're not just alone in a room by yourself, you're alone in a room wearing an awful hat.
You are a hero of our time….. your hats are fine. The circles of humanity awakening are in progress. We are all part of the cosmic story❤️🙏❤️ I too have recently discovered your podcast. Like to see your work in our educational system. Thinking 🤔 on that as an educator.
Something useful your friend could do is write a coherent, rational, narrative account of his mental, emotional, and spiritual struggles; an account that might be titled Confessions of a Venture Capitalist in a Finite World; an account that could generate much discussion and thought in a peer review of findings.
Nate, you're not trying to create a personality cult, but they're started by true-believers who switch from one paradigm to another. Often, such people become child-like requiring someone to help them make sense of how this new, extraordinarily unknown, dangerous world works. They want confidence in what is in store for them.
A difference between being a source of cultish influence and good information is a cult keeps members continually off-balance by introducing novel thoughts about the unknown. A source of good information tells a new member everything they need to know the first day. The U.S. Marines indoctrinates and influences recruits, but it's (generally) not a cult because it informs recruits on day one what they're in for and has transparent rules for accountability. The Catholic Church indoctrinates and influences converts, but is not a cult because (generally) it informs converts on day one what they're in for and has transparent rules of accountability. Injustice arises when our institutions fail these requirements. No one wants our scientific, academic or spiritual institutions to be the home of cults, but they all too often become cults as people at the top of the hierarchy promote such ideas as techno-optimism or a Triumph of Will without adequate analysis or transparency of thought.
Here's a thought experiment. Imagine everyone you met for the next year told you a story similar to your friend's. You'd probably start to feel both inflated and concerned about their welfare. Your work has helped send them into existential crisis. Some will respond creatively in beautiful ways, but others will spiral into depression and wait with baited breath for everything you have to say because they are desperate for direction. How do we keep balance in these waters?
To traverse a world where paradigms have turned upside down requires someone to investigate the core of faith itself, no matter whether our faith is in our personal rationality, mathematics, or the divine. We survive existence with the support of an often unarticulated faith. For example, Carl Sagan professed his unscientific faith that the Cosmos was all that is, all that has been, and all that will ever be. When Sagan made this statement, he didn't know if it was true; he believed it was true and that belief (for good or ill) constituted his faith, but it's clear to many he didn't know what he didn't know.
Your friend had his faith in techno-optimism turned upside down, which is massively destabilizing. What enables your friend to keep balance, sanity, and probity? He now needs another, perhaps deeper faith in how existence works. No matter how sure he is of his new, hard-fought thoughts today, creative maturity requires a rational assessment of our entire being, indeed existence itself.
A powerful faith that confuses global society today is the faith that what's good for Ego is good for everyone. This is a faith that believes satisfying Ego satisfies all. This is the faith fueling the superorganism.
Until we have a transparent, rational psychology, philosophy, and theology capable of dealing with identifying, sidelining, seeing-through, taming, and participating in the annihilation of the human Ego, we will not learn that we are more than Ego or Self, fulfilling the gift of life and this world.