Appreciate your point number 3, "Specific solutions constrict audience." Processes delivering "optionality" (NN Taleb) -- through which people choose what options (solutions) fit them best -- might look like a work around to audiences' resistance to specific solutions.
Thank you Nate for this Frankly. I think the core is number 7 “Answers and responses will be emergent”. Evolutionary thinking is needed. Are we sensitive enough to the patterns that emerge? Can we tolerate processes that are emerging and not designed as a solution? Can we respect nature that emerges without human planning and design? A major problem is thinking in problems and solutions itself. It is the idea that we have to have interventions. It is the left hemisphere take on the world that we have to rationally understand and manipulate the world in order to make it “better”. While intervening in processes that are naturally emerging and evolving is a root cause of the human predicament. Especially when we have industrialised interventions on a global scale. Interventions always have unknown side effects. Interventions always cost energy to resist what is naturally emerging and to resist entropy. Interventions need to be permanent interventions otherwise entropy turns the structure accomplished by the interventions into “chaos” again. You clean and organise your room, but because of entropy it will become filthy and disorganised again, so you have to repeat the intervention of cleaning and organising to keep the room clean and organised. You can have an ice skating rink in the desert, but you need to permanently intervene to keep it there. Permanent interventions cost energy permanently. We intervene too much. Destroying a lot in the process.
Appreciate your point number 3, "Specific solutions constrict audience." Processes delivering "optionality" (NN Taleb) -- through which people choose what options (solutions) fit them best -- might look like a work around to audiences' resistance to specific solutions.
thanks -this all sounds esoteric and elitist but this has been my experience in 20 years thinking and talking about this stuff.
Thank you Nate for this Frankly. I think the core is number 7 “Answers and responses will be emergent”. Evolutionary thinking is needed. Are we sensitive enough to the patterns that emerge? Can we tolerate processes that are emerging and not designed as a solution? Can we respect nature that emerges without human planning and design? A major problem is thinking in problems and solutions itself. It is the idea that we have to have interventions. It is the left hemisphere take on the world that we have to rationally understand and manipulate the world in order to make it “better”. While intervening in processes that are naturally emerging and evolving is a root cause of the human predicament. Especially when we have industrialised interventions on a global scale. Interventions always have unknown side effects. Interventions always cost energy to resist what is naturally emerging and to resist entropy. Interventions need to be permanent interventions otherwise entropy turns the structure accomplished by the interventions into “chaos” again. You clean and organise your room, but because of entropy it will become filthy and disorganised again, so you have to repeat the intervention of cleaning and organising to keep the room clean and organised. You can have an ice skating rink in the desert, but you need to permanently intervene to keep it there. Permanent interventions cost energy permanently. We intervene too much. Destroying a lot in the process.