Thank you so much, for sharing the wisdom of Lisi Krall. We are now living in an era of rational sense making, which is a closed form of sense making. And we are now living in an era of self-referential sense making (as persons and as species). Both of which are left hemisphere forms of sense making. We need to strengthen the counter balancing forms of sense making. Which are evolutionary sense making and social sense making. The evolutionary form of sense making is an open form of sense making, it encompasses all influence (also the influences we cannot see). It is about developing a sensitivity in seeing what patterns are emerging, how they grow and interconnect. The sense making is not what we do alone, it is the sense, the meaning that nature communicates by selecting the phenomena that come into being. The social sense making is not self-referential, but group referential, it is the meaning that the group, such as a community, gives. In evolutionary sense making the superorganism evolved. It means that there is an environment that sustains the superorganism, otherwise it would not be there. Part of that environment is the availability of cheap fosil fuels and the possibility of financial debts. The Great Simplification is not something we can construct. It has to emerge. It can only emerge if there is an environment that sustains it, otherwise it will not be selected by nature. So what we can do is work on environments that support the Great Simplification.
Thank you so much, for sharing the wisdom of Lisi Krall. We are now living in an era of rational sense making, which is a closed form of sense making. And we are now living in an era of self-referential sense making (as persons and as species). Both of which are left hemisphere forms of sense making. We need to strengthen the counter balancing forms of sense making. Which are evolutionary sense making and social sense making. The evolutionary form of sense making is an open form of sense making, it encompasses all influence (also the influences we cannot see). It is about developing a sensitivity in seeing what patterns are emerging, how they grow and interconnect. The sense making is not what we do alone, it is the sense, the meaning that nature communicates by selecting the phenomena that come into being. The social sense making is not self-referential, but group referential, it is the meaning that the group, such as a community, gives. In evolutionary sense making the superorganism evolved. It means that there is an environment that sustains the superorganism, otherwise it would not be there. Part of that environment is the availability of cheap fosil fuels and the possibility of financial debts. The Great Simplification is not something we can construct. It has to emerge. It can only emerge if there is an environment that sustains it, otherwise it will not be selected by nature. So what we can do is work on environments that support the Great Simplification.