Had the time this evening to watch the round table and it certainly fulfilled your intended purpose of having a forum for highly informed individuals to discuss a given topic rather than the interview format that you have mastered. For someone like me who is attempting to become better informed about the plethora of factors that are likely to influence both the national and international issues effecting the great simplification, this was definitely a surfeit of information. Consequently, it will require a second and possibly a third viewing for me to process it more fully. Producing round tables once or twice a month is a GREAT addition to your YouTube channel. I’m sorry that Olivia had travel complications. Her understanding of how “the global south” in many ways is at the forefront of grappling with many of the biophysical issues discussed was missed. Hopefully she’ll be able to participate when you reconvene these folks to continue their discussion.
Had the time this evening to watch the round table and it certainly fulfilled your intended purpose of having a forum for highly informed individuals to discuss a given topic rather than the interview format that you have mastered. For someone like me who is attempting to become better informed about the plethora of factors that are likely to influence both the national and international issues effecting the great simplification, this was definitely a surfeit of information. Consequently, it will require a second and possibly a third viewing for me to process it more fully. Producing round tables once or twice a month is a GREAT addition to your YouTube channel. I’m sorry that Olivia had travel complications. Her understanding of how “the global south” in many ways is at the forefront of grappling with many of the biophysical issues discussed was missed. Hopefully she’ll be able to participate when you reconvene these folks to continue their discussion.
Excellent plan! It’ll be a great way to have all of your brilliant minds talking to one another and, thereby, expanding the dialogue.