Nate, This conversation filled me with good vibes. Roman’s enthusiasm is infectious. So many great examples from history Edo , Sortition and the Conversation Lunches . We need more of this - a way to extend the random conversations one has with strangers eg the pleasant convo you have with the cashier that leaves you feeling good. Extend those few minutes by an hour, discussing a deep question with a stranger must lead to community building. And it’d be activism that’s fun! Thanks for all your work Nate. But like Tim says take a break today and go outside.

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Some of your recent convos are among your best, Nate, but this one with Roman Krznaric is a standout. I will be reading his new book for sure.

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Solid convo. As Nate says, a lot to unpack. Hope you get some time to talk with trees and sing to birds today as part of your life raft Nate! Don't wait.

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