Au Contraire Nate


We must disconnect the "turbocharger" of Capitalism. This is the most critical aspect of degrowth we are going to need to address. We have to do this before we can "look ahead". If we want to get ahead of energy, technology, and profits and get two steps ahead, we need to change the root-cause of the growth & profits. We need to change the incentives. What CAUSED the system, and its incentives?

The key will be the development of complementary currencies.

Financial Capital, our money and all our economic systems are built on something that cannot possibly exist in real Universe.

All our most intractable problems have their roots in that impossibility.

The thing that cannot exist is our money: as we create, define, and use it.

Money is anything that a society agrees to accept in exchange for every other thing or service in that society. When we use money in exchange, it represents the work that was done to earn it.

Real things, and real work obey the laws of thermodynamics, just as every other real thing in our universe obeys those laws.

But OUR money is special. Money, as we use it now, represents debt: it is created as debt with interest.

We define it by the way we use it, and we use it as though it breaks the laws.

But we can’t break a law of physics. We can only break something else, somewhere else, probably belonging to someone else.

What if money really is limited by the laws of physics? What if we have built our entire socioeconomic system on a mistake? What if we have constructed the entire massive edifice of human civilization on a foundation of sand?

Complementary Currency:


Money that actually works:


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Great work. I love the call to individual action - what can I do? I feel the more people who are exposed to the thinking, to understand what the real issues are, the more society could start to embrace some of the actions needed. However, the battle against misinformation and the status quo is unbelievably hard.

Here in NZ we are soon to go to an election and I've never seen it more stark - it is a contest between those that would maintain the status quo (and go further with existing thinking) and those intent on progressive change. And, at the moment, the status quo is winning!

Keep up the great work.

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