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Nate, this was an exceptionally dark Frankly among dark Franklies. I love hearing you speak truth. It's far more calming than seeing peers, colleagues, and people in high places go running from reality. Thank you.

Could you please do a roundtable with energy and economics experts together? I'd like to see them pick apart the economic gyrations of this century, their correlations with oil production and prices, and a look at possible causality between them.

The Great Production Trough of 2007 which nobody ever mentions coincided with the initial implosion of The Great Recession. The one academic paper I could find examining this coincidence concluded that a coincidence was all it was. No causality either way. I found nothing about recovery from The Great Recession in relation to the knee of the curve in tight oil extraction. The recovery was entirely attributed to the Obama Bank Bailout. Did the Bailout provide the funds to invest in tight oil, causing the fracking boom, or did the fracking boom cause - at least in part - the recovery, or are both true?

Nick Hanauer interviewed Aaron Sojourner about current American negative economic sentiment despite strong "fundamentals." Well, there are many other things influencing sentiment, such as still not catching up from the high inflation during recovery from the pandemic, but how is the oil+condensate plateau affecting it? What is the relationship between the plateau and the ever-growing housing shortage? Is there just not enough energy to construct new housing? I assume it's much more complicated than that, but I haven't the tools to pick it apart.

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