My thought for today

To oppose something is to maintain it. If you turn your back on Mishnory and walk away from it, you are still on the Mishnory road. You must go somewhere else; you must have another goal; then you walk a different road.

Ursula K Le Guin, The Left Hand of Darkness

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Check out the 8 forms of capital by Appleseed Permaculture. It's my favorite lens for examining a wide boundary perspective on wealth.


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That's a biggie. What about deep, rich top soil combined with a stable climate and fully charged aquifers like the Ogallala at the end of ww2?

How about money that is tied to something real in the world like gold, and not an economy based around buying and selling each other's debt.

And what about the stories we tell about ourselves?

Bring me your huddled masses, what a fantastic line. Who couldn't get behind that and put their energy into it. To me that one line gave real meaning and purpose to many generations of Americans. Seems like creating a large narrative which can touch people at a profound level is the critical missing piece without which a country is bankrupt.

And is MAGA such a narrative? Of course not on so many levels. From the physical, the collapse of the Ogallala, the disappearance of a stable climate and 70years of mining your top soil to the metaphysical, as many now see, since the events on Dealy Plaza, that the POTUS for the last 62 years has been nothing but an actor who has been given a part to play and a script to read from. No, the US is bankrupt. And here in the UK? Well we are the poster child of a failed petro-state.

All,is unfortunately about to be revealed as people refuse to buy UK Gilts.

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Wow, grateful for Nate’s perspective, but this is the stuff that reaaally triggers me. The interpretation of biological interactions as being an ‘economy’ .. That’s what I’m here for!

Wealth, I find, is senseless appropriation of a shared resource. Period.

Regenerative, yes please. Bottom up, and top down. Make it fast! 😉

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really grateful for this insight and history around wealth - it is imperative for people to really hear what this 'thing' is that holds us.. as opposed to WELLth .. our one true greatest asset that aligns each and all to our wholeness, and upholds the entire Living System, for which we all are a part of as opposed to 'subject to' (in which we are all subject to the inequality of wealth)

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I wonder if soon a live stream (party host) will happen as our trust erodes from the broadcast model of Ai?

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At the very core of wealth must be, as another said, soil and the sun. For terrestrial life such as ours, the soil is the originator of all other wealth. As a social species, we can’t ignore social capital either. In fact, I think social wealth may be among the most resilient and rewarding forms of wealth, and among the most fungible.

It’s social capital, in many ways, that’s allowed my husband and I to build conventional wealth. I’m one of those who tried to walk into the woods and live off what I could make in protest of our society, and quickly realized what a fool’s errand that was. Now we try to build reasonable amounts of conventional wealth and turn that into the more true forms of wealth: good community relationships, healthy children, restoring and building our farm, investing in equipment that will give us resilience and maintain our access to real wealth (food, energy, shelter) even if there is societal instability.

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